If you are looking for a career change in nursing then you should consider nursing overseas. Countries around the world are experiencing an acute nursing shortage which has created opportunities for nurses to refresh their nursing careers by going abroad to fill vacancies in other countries either short term or long term.
Moving your nursing career overseas can restore your enthusiasm for the profession.
Are you disenchanted with management? Working too many shifts and never having any time for fun? Can’t remember the last time you worked with a full shift of nurses? Are you ready to give up on nursing but do not really want to…
Why not make a change? Consider a career change and nurse abroad.
Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, the United Kingdom and the USA are all actively recruiting internationally educated nurses. Taking a nursing job overseas can invigorate your nursing career in the following ways:

1. Working with new people – fellow healthcare professionals and patients alike.
Nursing in a new country will present you with rewards as well as new challenges. Getting to know your colleagues and patients and learning to understand their culture will add an extra dimension to your working day.
There are whole books dedicated to the differences between countries like the United Kingdom and the USA. Even the differences between the culture and language of such close neighbors as New Zealand and Australia can be immense. Your lifestyle will be very different in a new country and your nursing credentials and experience are your ticket to working abroad.
2. Provide opportunities for professional development in nursing specialties that are not open to you at home.
Are you interested in nursing in a different specialty? There could well be opportunities to transfer into a new specialty and receive specialized professional development if you move your nursing career abroad.
Moving your nursing career overseas may open up the possibility of working in specialties you do not have at home, such as nursing informatics, legal nursing, expedition nursing, travel nursing.
The most likely scenario is that you will be hired to work in an area of nursing that you have experience with and from there you can apply for other positions on the strength of your experience and flexibility.
3. Working in a different healthcare system.
Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and Ireland all run a national health service where hospital services are provided by the government. New Zealand, the United Kingdom and Ireland do not run a federal system but have one central government. This can offer an alternative to the politics and organization you are used to dealing with in your job at home.
Nursing jobs abroad are not restricted only to nursing in hospitals either; you can get nursing employment in nursing homes, private hospitals, doctor’s offices and schools too.
A career change in nursing abroad can also allow opportunities to improve your life outside of the workplace. If you are bothered with pollution or rising crime rates, then consider moving to a country that has a lower level of each!