REAL OR NOT — Chicago Med: “Bound” (1×06)

REAL OR NOT — Chicago Med: “Bound” (1×06)

This week in Chicago Med is a super heavy episode with lots of twists and turns. Connor and April treat immigrant siblings with life-threatening injuries, one of them dying.  Halstead and Connor are still like oil and water-they can’t seem to get along. The hospital is honoring Connor’s mother with a memorial. A cute kid that comes to the ER after a bicycle accident, leaves the hospital with a scratch, but later dies in a drive-by shooting. After all the drama, there is at least one thing to celebrate and smile about, and that is Natalie having her baby!


  • Elizabeth Rhodes, mother of Dr. Connor Rhodes has another dark secret of Rhodes to be revealed that you should watch for.
  • Owen, an Irish name which means “a little fighter.” You’ll see how he makes everyone in the ER nervous yet excited about him.

(1 being the worst, 5 by being the best.)


  • Doing an emergency operation in the ER when operating room isn’t available. Dr. Connor Rhodes and Dr. Will Halstead have a stowaway patient named Maria Gonzales, having a leg compartment syndrome. She needs a surgery to release the pressure, in order to save her leg. Since the operating rooms are all booked, Dr. Rhodes decides to do a fasciotomy. Although this surgery should be done in the OR, he still does the operation to save the patient’s life despite Dr. Halstead’s disagreement. In reality, sometimes you need to weigh the positive and negative effects of certain decisions, especially when treating a patient.
  • Being forced to do a hardest action as a doctor. Sarah Reese and Dr. Manning find out that their patient, Parker Kindler, has a terminal genetic condition called Krabbe disease. Since Dr. Manning isn’t able to discuss the disease to Parker’s parents, Reese is forced to tell them about this even though she thinks she’s not ready to do that yet. In real life, one of the responsibilities of a doctor is to tell the patients and relatives about their illness. Giving a prognosis is the hardest, especially when a patient won’t recover from an illness.
  • Considering other options before doing a surgery. When Dr. Manning’s baby is turned the wrong way, causing a deceleration or a decrease in the fetal heart rate, a C-section is needed. Maggie decides to put the baby in position, despite being opposed by Dr. Manning’s obstetrician. In reality, this procedure of turning the baby around to avoid C-section is done by some medical practitioners. Sometimes, it’s important to consider some alternatives before doing such big actions like this.


  • Not wearing complete personal protective equipment (PPE) when doing a surgery. When Dr. Rhodes performs a fasciotomy on Maria, some nurses and Dr. Halstead aren’t wearing surgical gowns, safety glasses, or masks. Even though you’re not the one who’s doing the surgery, you still need to wear PPE when you’re inside the room, because patients are at risk of infection when their bodies are being opened.

I'm Heziel, blogging from Manila, Philippines. I've been working as a registered nurse since 2011.