REAL OR NOT — CHICAGO MED: “Lesson Learned” (2×18)

REAL OR NOT — CHICAGO MED: “Lesson Learned” (2×18)

Have you moved on from the last episode of Chicago Med, “Monday Mourning”? If that made you quite emotional, this newest episode entitled, “Lesson Learned” is less intense than previous installments. It starts off with Dr. Choi treating a gunshot victim and a new nurse named Monique is having her training in the ED. Will she pass the training course even though she’s not doing well in the first minutes of the episode? An old woman named Dr. Bella Rowan is brought to ED due to aspiration pneumonia. You’ll see how her admission to ED greatly affects Dr. Halstead.

Meanwhile, Dr. Connor Rhodes is inviting her girlfriend, Dr. Robin Charles to meet his sister. On the other hand, a 13-year old boy named Brandon is admitted to hospital due to heart disease. Sean Adams, a pilot, is rushed to ED after fainting pre-flight. You’ll be surprised about the reason of his admission.


  • Dr. Bella Rowan, a doctor and a teacher, who is also Dr. Will Halstead’s mentor in med school. You’ll see how her hospital admission greatly impacts Dr. Halstead’s performance on this episode.
  • Monique, a nurse trainee, who just got her Pediatric Advanced Life Support certification and she’s in the E.D. for skills training check-off.

REAL OR NOT RATING: ★★★★  (1 Being the Worst, 5 Being the Best.) 


  1. “Clear!” When Monique is having code blue simulation, Nurse Maggie and Nurse Doris are there to test her skills in rescuing a dying infant. In this scenario, Monique provides all the necessary actions except saying “Clear!” before shocking the baby. Nurse Doris is still touching the baby when Monique puts the paddles of defibrillator on the baby without shouting “Clear! ” She is right when she says that Monique has just killed her because in reality, saying “Clear!” before shocking means for everyone to back away  in order for them not to be shocked as well thus resulting in injuries like burns.

  2. “Know the right dosage.” Monique is still on skills check-off and Nurse Maggie asks her about the dosage of adenosine for the baby who is having supraventricular tachycardia (SVT). Unfortunately, she gives a wrong dosage therefore it causes an overdosing of medications resulting in killing the patient. In real life, if you give a wrong dose of medication to a person, it might result in underdosing and overdosing thus affecting the effect of drugs on patients.

  3. Consumption of non-nutritive substances is a psychiatric disorder.” When Sean Adams is having gastrointestinal bleeding, Dr. Charles finds out the he has been taking gasoline. In this case, he is diagnosed with pica. Dr. Charles is correct when he diagnoses Sean with this disorder because pica is the persistent eating of substances such as dirt or paint that have no nutritional value.


  1. Nothing’s wrong with the episode.

I'm Heziel, blogging from Manila, Philippines. I've been working as a registered nurse since 2011.