REAL OR NOT — Code Black: “Diagnosis of Exclusion” (1X15)

REAL OR NOT — Code Black: “Diagnosis of Exclusion” (1X15)

Since last episode of Code Black, I believe we all were dying (not literally) to find out if Gina survived, if Malaya is going to find her or if Gordon gets caught.

All this and much more was revealed on this weeks’ episode “Diagnosis of Exclusion” and it didn’t bring any positivity  … I am even more curious for the next week to see how the story evolves. But this is a massive change from a boring Wednesday night show to a real medical drama.

CHARACTERS TO WATCH FOR: Malaya, Neal and Christa, Angus.

The fact that Malaya is the victim of this maniac/stalker who has been around for a while but everyone missed him makes the episode so sad. But at the same time, Angus has his time to shine even though he doesn’t feel so great about it. Neal and Christa finally made it official!


1 being the worst, 5 by being the best. 

REAL: How the real world works:

  1. Adrenaline rush. This is what the show lacked before and now it is complete. Real hospital ER room will be busy, people will be bleeding out and you will have to make quick decisions. During Diagnosis of Exclusion we all saw how crazy the ER was and how stressed few doctors were.
  2. Interrogations of surgeons about their actions during the attacks carried out on Malaya and Gina. Well, if something like this happens doctors do have to report their actions and have a meeting with board members of the hospital, it is a massive incident and there would be some serious investigation going on after the both deaths of Gina and Gordon.

FAKE: Cringe worthy scenes that would never happen:

  1. Trying to save a patient who has multiple stab wounds and probably is already dead. They tried to resuscitate her for 21 minute which is nice thing to do for your colleague. But in real life no one would bother about a person who is bled out and has no heart beat.
  2. Letting a patient bleed out. The moment Angus moved his hands away from Gordon was unexpected. As a doctor he was obliged to help and put all his effort to help the bleeding man, despite the fact that he is maniac/criminal/dangerous patient. But we all understand why Angus did it and it’s okay, but in medical reality it wouldn’t be.

I'm Ginny, blogging from Manchester, UK. I've been a Biomedical Scientist for 2 years now. I'm a graduate of Manchester Metropolitan University and University of Chester.