This week I believe most of us didn’t know what to expect from the new episode as it was the fourth to come, and not much information was out on the internet before the episode aired; However it seemed like a great and inspiring story. Covering mostly ethical problems doctors have to overcome while doing a job that is hard itself. Overall, Heartbeat is getting more bonus points for being realistic and medical, especially in this episode. There will always be cringe scenes in whatever TV series you might be watching, but the idea of the whole story this week, was an incredible journey to watch.


Alex and Max. We finally find out more about their marriage as well as we finally get to see Alex make a decision about Pierce. I would love to see more Alex-Jessie action but it seems like the relationship between her and Pierce is strong, pretty strong. Millie and the guy who is installing a massive art installation seem to have some heat between them but hopefully more will be revealed next week.


1 being the worst, 5 by being the best. 

REAL: How the real world works:

  • Doctors fighting for their new ideas for treatment. When Alex was fighting to get the board to agree with the treatment and the financing, she proved how each doctor should look into their job. How passionate they should be and how important patients lives should be to them.
  • Temporary spiky fever is normal in immunocompromised patients and in this particular case, it was a great deal to show that in real life medical case.

FAKE: Cringe worthy scenes that would never happen:

  • Ethical debate on the risky surgery on the conjoined twins. Alex has a very challenging personality and we don’t know whether she aimed to show off to Jesse or, she was genuinely thinking she can pull this off. Either way, these are two people who need the best decision made, not the super cocky doctor who wants to show off for a bit.
  • Doctors drinking in the middle of the shift. Well, that is a little awkward. Not going to happen in a real hospital, only in a fictional.

I'm Ginny, blogging from Manchester, UK. I've been a Biomedical Scientist for 2 years now. I'm a graduate of Manchester Metropolitan University and University of Chester.