When considering a career as a nurse, one nursing field that is becoming very popular is travel nursing. A travel nurse is a nurse that will travel to various places throughout the country, and even internationally, to fulfill short-term working assignments at different types of medical facilities. Travel nurses are hired to fill in for nurses who are on leave for a specific amount of time. This can include nurses on vacations or on maternity leave. Travel nurses normally work for a 13 week period however a work assignment can be as a short as a few days or as long as several months, depending on the needs of the specific medical facility.
Types of health organizations and facilities where travel nurses can be found working can include: medical clinics, hospitals, rehabilitation centers, nursing homes, and more. Basically, the nurses will work in any medical setting that requires nursing services for a short term. The compensation provided to travel nurses makes it a financially rewarding career. Income can vary, but generally these nurses can make $35.00 or more an hour. They also receive other benefits such as travel allowance and health insurance.
Most travel nurses will join a health care staffing agency where the staffing agency will work with employers across the country to arrange for travel nurses to fill in for their own nurses on leave. The staffing agency will match the nurse with an employer, arrange for an interview, and help make arrangements for the nurse’s housing while on assignment. This includes a travel allowance. The health care staffing agency will also help secure the appropriate nursing license required to work in the particular region.

Another benefit of travel nursing is the ability to travel to various places and work in different work environments. For those who love to travel and experience new places and people, travel nursing is a great choice. To become a travel nurse, you will need a nursing degree from an accredited nursing school, work experience, and you must be licensed. You should have the skills to get started right away on the first day of work and require little supervision or training.
Travel nursing is now a popular career choice as these nurses get to travel to many different regions and experience a wide range of work environments. They also get to choose their work assignment, they are paid very well, and they get to build a diverse resume due to the many skills they acquire and the diverse working experience they acquire working in different medical environments. It is a great way to get paid while exploring the country. The life of a travel nurse is flexible, rewarding, and fun. It is a great way to help people while enjoying a very lucrative career. If you are a nurse or considering a nursing career, check out the benefits of a travel nursing career.