Strange & Surprising Signs Of Heart Disease

Strange & Surprising Signs Of Heart Disease

By Cindy Lima

Heart disease is the number 1 cause of death for Americans. It is a disease that is tough to spot and usually is found when it’s too late. Some of the symptoms that researchers have found may be odd. However, checking your cholesterol and triglyceride levels should be on your list if you spot any of these signs.

  • Having bad breath is a typical sign of Gum disease. Research in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine describes that Gum disease promotes inflammation which can add to heart disease. By treating gum disease and getting rid of your bad breath, you can lower your risk for heart trouble.
  • One study from SUNY Albany states that a good yawn promotes blood oxygenation and brain cooling. Nonstop yawning during exercises can signal that your body’s built-in cooling mechanisms aren’t working properly. An internal AC suggests that a heart or circulatory issues may exist.
  • Feeling dizzy after standing for a couple of seconds is a normal thing say experts. However, if that dizziness lasts longer than a few minutes, it may be a sign that there is an underlying blood flow issue. This research comes from the University of North Carolina. If you are younger than 55 and have this issue, talk to your doctor about it. It is 54% more likely that someone with this issue will have heart failure later on.
  • Having a diagonal crease in either or both earlobes is a sign your ticker is not working properly. The study of the University of Pennsylvania states that having an earlobe crease is a link to having heart issues. The lobe crease is a signal that arterial blockage maybe be taking place. The earlobe crease is often called “Frank’s sign” by experts.
  • A shorter ring finger can indicate a higher risk for heart disease. The risk for having heart disease in your 40s and 50s is higher than those who have a greater ring to index ratio. A series of studies at the University of Liverpool in the UK describes the link between a stubby ring finger and heart disease. Longer ring fingers are a sign of fetal testosterone exposure. However, the link is not as strong on women.
  •  No acne during your teens years may not be such a good thing now. If you had acne as a teen, your risk for coronary heart disease lowers to 33%. A study from the American Journal of Epidemiology states that it has to do with hormone levels. Having higher circulating levels of testosterone during your teenage years can trigger acne but protects you from heart disease later in life.