REAL OR NOT — Code Black: “Doctors With Borders” (1×05)

REAL OR NOT — Code Black: “Doctors With Borders” (1×05)

So far the episode “Doctors With borders” of the new medical drama Code Black which aired on 28th of October on CBS was the best. The doctors had very realistic and hard-to-solve medical mysteries to treat, it was much more slow-paced than the first few episodes and it included some personal things from Dr. Hudson’s life. The show is finally giving us what everyone wants: more detailed background stories of patients, less bustling in the ER and more medical reality.

CHARACTERS TO WATCH FOR: Neal and his parents; Mario and Angus.As Neal had to treat his mum (discussed below) it was revealed that he had some unsolved issues with his dad. Meanwhile, Mario and Angus finally made up and hopefully will make a great team!

(1 being the worst, 5 by being the best.)


  • Diagnosing the chlorine burns in the airways is always a very hard case for any doctor.Especially in children. In Angels Memorial we only saw adults but still it took them ages to realize what exactly was slowly killing the patients. It was all chlorine gas and burnt airways.
  • Sometimes there’s not that many volunteers wanting to enter the quarantine area. That is true as doctors are self-conscious of things that might happen to them so they’d rather say on the safe side, saving lives, than on the other-risking their own.


  • Where were they keeping the patient who is an electrician when he’s got a cardiac arrest? Mario and Angus just happened to be there when he is somewhere on the sideof the building? That is weird, they should not leave a patient with an injury as severe as this unattended.
  • Since when doctors are allowed to treat their own family? I know they were short of staff as usual and it was quarantined area, but should Neil have tried treating his mum? Probably no. Normally, a different doctor should be assigned to deal with someone’s family, especially seeing the pressure Neil was getting.
  • The first patient, who was later called Susan died on the table within a minute and no one knew why. Probably we can only relate it to the chlorine poisoning which was later brought up. Normally they should try and justify the reason for her death as they called it but it seemed like they were more interested in other things.
  • Chlorine will take ages to diagnose as mentioned above, however if there were so many people admitted with the same problem, would they not smell or at least have a weird smell coming from them? I am not sure about that one yet.


 I'm Ginny, blogging from Manchester, UK. I've been a Biomedical Scientist for 2 years now. I'm a graduate of Manchester Metropolitan University and University of Chester.