REAL OR NOT — Code Black: “In Extremis” (1×06)

REAL OR NOT — Code Black: “In Extremis” (1×06)

As I’ve got more and more into the Code Blackthe wait for the new episode ‘”In Extremis” seemed to be taking longer than forever. Although this week, there was no mysterious outbreak, there were a lot of ethical issues that were concerning a few doctors and patients.

CHARACTERS TO WATCH FOR: Cole Guthrie is the center of this episode,both with his dad and everyone else: Jesse, Rorish and Hudson. The story is getting more interesting and intense as we’re getting to know the characters more, especially Cole and his arrival.

(1 being the worst, 5 by being the best.)


  • Sometimes doctors have to interfere with patients and tell their family members to back off. A lot of times, family members or closest friends will be out of control as they’re grieving, especially if they’re experiencing a loss. And at one of those occasions Dr. Pineda stepped in and showed the humane side of the job she’s doing.
  • Getting more critically injured patient to the OR. Doctors don’t really compromise on anyone’s occupation, it doesn’t matter who are you, a shooter or a police officer, the one who’s more injured will be treated sooner than the other. End of discussion.


  • Why would Carla go to the hospital where her ex is working? I’m pretty sure there are more than one hospitals in a city like LA.
  • Why patients leave their beds and walk around the ER although they shouldn’t because they’re in a very vulnerable position? Tom walked towards the shooter guy and was obviously extremely anxious and frustrated about it so he passed out.
  • The mess in the ER at the point when the shooter was brought in was unbearable. I cannot believe that there would be so many people at the same place on the same time shouting, screaming and trying to get somewhere, no knows where.
  • The patient requesting to be discharged after he got shot to his chest and the bullet hit his defibrillator. You cannot be discharged even if you’re going to pick up a Nobel prize, you have just been shot. Get over it.
  • People often die during the episode without telling the viewers what exactly happened. Victor, the boy who was brought in by his father died on the table in the middle of the procedure that doctors were performing and they just stopped everything and called it a day. I suppose you need to make sure there is really nothing you can do before you call it a day?

I'm Ginny, blogging from Manchester, UK. I've been a Biomedical Scientist for 2 years now. I'm a graduate of Manchester Metropolitan University and University of Chester.