The long wait is over for Chicago Med. It’s back on track. The latest episode, “Malignant,” has aired on the first Tuesday of this...
Breast cancer is one of the top cancers in women today. Most of us would know someone who has, or...
The Mid-Season finale of Code Black and no one could believe the series would ever go that far.Within the last few months...
Chicago Med gives us again a shocking intro as it aired its latest episode, “Mistaken.” Unlike other episodes, I felt more emotionally glued...
Before I tuned in to watch “Cardiac Support” of Code Black, I had no idea that the episode would be...
Chicago Med’s latest episode, “Fallback” focuses on the pasts of Dr. Connor Rhodes and Dr. Natalie Manning, which makes the viewers...
The second episode of Chicago Med, “iNo”, is full of intriguing scenes that shows how decision-making in the medical field effects...
Wednesday night, yet again, I was waiting for Code Black and its newest episode “You Are The Heart”. The mid season- finale is...